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Desktop Mechanical Arm

Mechanical desktop toy my partner bought me, doubles as an excellent motivator to practice some low poly hardsurface stuff! Had to do a couple paintjobs because substance painter just makes you want to.

Some renders and a link to the model on Sketchfab for each paintjob. Enjoy :)

Yellow and black plastic desktop toy. It'll hand you stuff!

Bumblebee's prosthetic.

Bumblebee's prosthetic.

Yellow and black plastic. For when you need an extra hand.

Yellow and black plastic. For when you need an extra hand.

Pink, the correct colour choice for all heavy duty equipment.

"This guy is a Blizzard fanboy!" paintjob. (Decals courtesy of Blizzard)

"This guy is a Blizzard fanboy!" paintjob. (Decals courtesy of Blizzard)

Nerf this.

Nerf this.

The controversial backside shot!

The controversial backside shot!